Notes on Solidity
Notes on Solidity
require VS assert
两者都在断言不满足的时候失败然后回滚,require比较友好,会退回剩余gas, assert会吃掉剩余gas。 require handles acceptable error, while assert means sth out of control.
transfer VS send VS call
- transfer: value, no data; 2300 gas(fixed), revert if fails // 2300gas is not enough for changing storage or init another call
- send: value,no data;2300 gas(fixed), return 0 if fails
- call: value&data; forward all gas by default(adjustable);return 0 if fails
区分 address.transfer
和 contract.transfer
call(gas, to ,value, input memory offset, output memory offset, output size)
calculating gas of a call is complex, see EIP150 (63/64?)
call(msg.gas- 2000,…) // call with some gas spared
memory/storage layout of array and map
- 定长数组: 原地展开
- 动态数组: length stored at slot, arr[idx] is stored at sha3(bytes32(slot)) + idx* sizeof(arr[0])
mapping: map[key] is stored at sha3(byte32(key) bytes32(slot))
arbitary write if index of array is controled??? Rewrite map values???
delete in solidity sets storage/memory to zero, and refund gas
revert会回滚当前call和它的subcall。正常函数调用的话,一级一级传递revert;但是call不会传递revert,return 0
A reentrancy honey pot。 ether发出去也是可以挽回的。。。
function f()public{
if ( ether){
sth reverts
All the inner calls reverts, except the outest(first) call,which just returns.
constructor must be public or internal. A class’s constructor can be only used by it’s parent class, thus internal.
构造函数的return是runtime code, 使用return opcode可以在构造时强行逆天改命,而且etherscan 只verify了constructor code multi inheritance. Order matters
- transfer(), fallback()
- selfdesturct
- mining address
EOA or Contract
- msg.sender == origin. delegatecall不能绕过,delegatecall只是重用了代码,修改的是自己的存储
- extcodesize == 0. 在构造函数中extcodesize=0 绕过
- 提供v,r,s签名, ecrecover == msg.sender. 合约是没有私钥的. 使用ecrecover一定要hash, 没有hash的话ECDSA可以伪造合法的签名,但是不能控制任意的签名内容
Solidity 0.5 updates
- 强制写函数可见性
- no var, js scope -> C scope
- address(contract).transfer
- call(signature, a, b, c) -> call(abi.encodeWithSignature(signature, a, b, c))
- keccak256(a, b, c) to keccak256(abi.encodePacked(a, b, c))